Located 29 rue Grand Rue, behind the rue du 22 Novembre in a pedestrial zone, close to the Place Kleber in the Quartier de la Petite France.
TRAM station : Alt Winmärik (150 m) line B or F
TRAM station : Homme de fer (200m) line A, B, F or D
TRAM station : Grand rue (300m) line A or D
Open everyday from 7am to 9pm
Washing Machines from 7 to 18kg
High capacity driers (1,5€ for 12min)
Washing liquid dispenser (50cts per dose)
Prices for washing machines go from 5€ to 9,50€ depending on the capacity
Payment station taking coins from 10cts to 2€ and bills from 5 to 20€, gives back change
Contactless Payment
Video Surveillance
Contact : 0771026115